Misko Mihajlovski 52
1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

We never compromise quality

We deliver reliable solutions

Our Team

To best serve its clients, TimelProekt maintains professional human capital with high quality standards in power engineering. Our engineering services – power supply, automation, metering, relay protection, wiring, control systems etc., are the mainstream of TimelProekt’s experience and we take considerable pride for being at the forefront of these engineering tasks.

TimelProekt has over 20 full-time employees and several permanent advisors and associates. Many of the company’s professional staff has gain postgraduate education in Macedonia, Croatia and the United States. Half of our employees are professional engineers or specialists with extensive experience in managing and organizing projects, design and construction of power plants and facilities. We also have a team of highly qualified workers (experienced electrical technicians, installation workers etc.) that can meet all necessary requirements and fulfill objectives of any project we undertake. This way, our compact team can successfully respond to any challenge to the full satisfaction of our customers.

The company has experience in providing single specialists for short-term expert services, as well as multidisciplinary teams for projects and programs. We are fully staffed and have in-house capability in the disciplines required for each phase of engineering development.